5 Key Features of Invisalign 

If you are looking for an alternative method to straighten your teeth beyond traditional metal braces, you may want to consider Invisalign. As a dentist who provides Invisalign services for Provo, UT patients can explain, such as one at SuperGrin Orthodontics, Invisalign aligners offer many features that make them a preferable option for many people with crooked or misaligned teeth. Before you opt for this kind of dental treatment, there are several key information that you should know about it to determine whether it is right for you. 

How invisible are Invisalign aligners?

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign utilizes a unique transparent design so they are practically invisible. They are not as obvious as conventional braces, because it looks like you are not wearing any aligners on your teeth. This is appealing for many patients who do not want to attract much attention to their teeth while they are getting treatment. 

Is Invisalign comfortable to wear? 

Because they are made of a soft plastic, Invisalign aligners are much more comfortable to wear than metal braces. Traditional braces are composed of wires and brackets, which can make it uncomfortable, especially when you first begin wearing braces. The metal parts can cut your gums, so patients wearing them need to be extra careful when they are chewing. Tightening braces can sometimes cause discomfort and slight pain. 

Can I remove the Invisalign easily? 

Invisalign aligners can be removed, unlike regular braces. You need to go to your orthodontist if you want to have your metal braces removed because they are fixed to your teeth differently. They are easy to take on and off, making it much easier to brush teeth and rinse. They can be taken off in a matter of seconds at any time. 

Is there certain food I can’t eat?  

One of the worst things about wearing traditional metal braces for patients are the food limitations they have to deal with. Patients are not able to eat certain foods when they have metal braces that are sticky, chewy, or can easily get caught between braces. With Invisalign, you are not restricted to eating specific food. 

Is Invisalign custom-fit? 

Invisalign is a custom treatment, so they are molded to perfectly fit your teeth. They are highly effective at straightening your teeth. The orthodontist creates several trays so that your teeth can fit into a mild. 3D printing technology is used to create the print of each tray. Many patients who get Invisalign instead of metal braces are pleased with their results. If you prefer a personalized option, Invisalign may be right for you.

Every patient has their own preferences for how they want to achieve a brighter and better smile, so it’s important to weigh all of your options. Invisalign is a convenient option if you are looking for an alternative to metal braces that can cause greater discomfort. Do not wait to find out more about orthodontic treatments that can help you get the smile you are looking for. Talk to your orthodontist to learn more about the benefits of Provo Invisalign and if they are a good treatment option for you.